And …

Too continue to cold and crazy eyes looked at the town north king.
"Imperial armour was driven by Jackson, and he was not skilled in martial arts. Business opportunity armour was driven by Rovich, and he was not skilled in Jackson’s original mecha. A man named Williams was driving him, and he was the ace mecha.
Everything is false except that Li Han is true and Li Yuanba is false, Su Chuanyun is a pseudonym and even more false.
If we could continue to fight at that time … Ji Xinghe is dead now, and the Federation is finished now! "
"…" Zhenbei Wang Yan is right.
If all this information is true, it really made a big mistake.
"Now call your sons and bring them with you. This is my last chance and your last chance."
Mrs. Bai, the king of Zhenbei, hesitated. "But the problem is that the Federation is not the same as before. We are not ready yet. We should drag them to the final stage."
"Don’t you understand me?"
Too questioned a nu way, "There is a Ji Xinghe who is a Ji Xinghe. He still dares to drive two mecha to fight at the same time. I want to kill him. I want to kill him. Everything is solved.
Are they all Ji Xinghe? I let the Federation never have a horse again, not a hair on it! "
King Zhenbei took another deep breath and nodded.
Chapter 659 Empire We’ll play by ourselves
The appearance of a rumor made both Tu Yuan and Andy, who were in the mode of peace talks, nervous.
Some people mysteriously say that Ji Xinghe armor separation is not a real armor separation, but depends on a mysterious artificial intelligence life to achieve it.
Some people are full of envy, saying that Ji Xinghe was able to wear armor when he had an enemy posture because of the help of artificial intelligence life. If that artificial intelligence life is willing to help others, even if it is a root, it will not drive the mecha. Technicians can start dual mode in the battlefield.
Some people are full of worries that if artificial intelligence life is not restricted by human beings, it will bring disaster to human beings, and artificial intelligence life can help or destroy human beings.
Some people are angry than saying that you all fart.
However, the speed of these rumors is far faster than that of normal rumors. Considering the special environment of alien stars, more than one million people are still at war.
It is easy to tell that this is a deliberate push by a willing heart.
"Not me"
"I know it’s not you who can ride the Milky Way?"
"I am willing to believe that it is not me that Ji Xinghe can be white."
Tu Yuan listened to Andy’s nonsense sentence, and the other party was white in my heart. Now I can’t be as cool as a cucumber and asked again
"What about the moon and the stars?"
Andy and Xingyue did communicate, but Xingyue was King Solomon of the Yingling Parliament at that time.
After Andy guessed the true identity of Xingyue and Moon, the two of them never had direct communication.
Judging from these two points, Xingyue has no letter to him.
"You want two things" Andy’s tone is calm, but there is a sense of command. "First, let Xingyue know that I didn’t do it, and I don’t need to do it. Second, let Ji Xinghe stop making armor fight."
Tu Yuanlue mused, "You mean that the empire already knew about the armor division and made targeted arrangements for it?"
Andy woke up and said, "From another point of view, the fact that rumors appear is to force Ji Xinghe to dismember armor and not let Su Chuanyun enter the cockpit of God’s penalty armor for camouflage."
TuYuan nodded, "The northern king of that town in the empire has transferred its princes."
Andy added, "There is an empire, too. It should also be able to mobilize the prince-level mecha and a number of duke armour."
"I’ll tell them," Tu Yuan asked after answering. "What do you think they got from the empire?"
Based on the communication delay between Blue Star and Alien, Tu Yuan should hear Andy’s answer in the sixth minute after asking this question.
But Andy stereo is the seventh minute.
"100% success gift of tungsten steel and gold"
At the end of the Andy dialogue, Tu Yuan started another dialogue.
"What do Xingyue want to say?"
In the past, Tu Yuan and Andy will attend every conversation between the stars and the moon.
It was Tu Yuan who showed his honesty, and so was Andy. He was sure to know that Tu Yuan didn’t shy away from the stars and the moon, but he still talked to Tu Yuan.
"There’s nothing to say." There was disappointment in the tone of Xingyue.
Tu Yuan, however, seemed unaware and said, "I can guess you, Marshal, and you, and Li Yuanba, too. This is far more than we can guess because they can’t get the answer from Li Yuanba and dare not easily determine it."
The moon and the moon are silent, like they are too lazy to talk to Tu Yuan.
TuYuan continue to say it.
"This key point is whether Ji Xinghe will be a part of the body. Can Li Yuanba be a part of the body
If Li Yuanba can do it even if he drives two mechs at the same time, he said that Ji Xinghe is bound to be able to do it even if he drives five mechs at the same time. If others can’t do it, it’s someone else’s problem. But if even Li Yuanba can’t do it … it becomes Ji Xinghe’s problem alone.
Ji Xinghe’s problem alone is your problem. "
Stars and moons asked, "What’s my problem? Is it my problem that I help you humans fight the empire? Then should I help the empire beat you humans? "
Tu Yuan frowned. "Don’t talk like this. The gossip problem is really easy to solve. It doesn’t matter what you choose."
"Children talk? Do you know how old I am this year? Four years old! " Xingyue’s tone is angry. "I’m only four years old. You want me to make a choice of one billion human lives?"
Tu Yuan was silent.
It makes sense that the moon and the stars are indeed four years old, but the question is how can a four-year-old child look at the moon and the stars?
And it does make sense for Xingyue to say that she has to make a decision to live and die a billion people. This is the key.
"I didn’t make a decision before, but these rumors made me make a decision."
Xingyue suddenly relaxed her tone. She said, "I’ve decided to fight the empire ourselves."
Although I had expected it, Tu Yuan was still nervous when I really heard this answer.

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"Before …""Before …"

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近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展,各行各业对人才的需求日益增加。在这样一个大背景下,残疾人群体也迎来了更多的就业机会。近日,南京市一家知名按摩中心对外发布招聘聋人按摩师的消息,吸引了众多聋人朋友的关注。 据了解,这家按摩中心位于南京市繁华地段,占地面积约500平方米,是一家集按摩、足疗、美容、养生于一体的综合性服务场所。此次招聘的聋人按摩师,要求具备一定的按摩技能和良好的服务意识,年龄在18-45岁之间,男女不限。 招聘聋人按摩师的消息一经发布,便在聋人群体中引起了热烈反响。许多聋人朋友纷纷表示,这是一个难得的就业机会,他们非常期待能够通过自己的努力,为社会贡献自己的力量。 事实上,近年来我国政府高度重视残疾人群体的就业问题,出台了一系列扶持政策,鼓励社会各界为残疾人提供就业岗位。南京市作为我国重要的省会城市,在残疾人就业方面也取得了显著成果。此次按摩中心招聘聋人按摩师,正是积极响应政府号召,为广大聋人朋友提供就业机会的生动体现。 按摩行业作为我国传统行业之一,具有悠久的历史和深厚的文化底蕴。聋人按摩师凭借其独特的按摩手法和敏锐的触觉,在行业中具有一定的竞争优势。此次招聘的聋人按摩师,将有机会在按摩中心接受专业的培训和指导,进一步提升自己的按摩技能,为顾客提供更加优质的服务。 与此同时,按摩中心还为聋人按摩师提供了一系列福利待遇,包括:五险一金、带薪年假、节日福利等。这些待遇不仅保障了聋人按摩师的合法权益,也让他们在工作中感受到家的温暖。 值得一提的是,按摩中心在招聘过程中,将充分考虑聋人朋友的实际需求,为他们提供无障碍的面试环境。此外,按摩中心还将为聋人按摩师提供必要的沟通工具,确保他们在工作中能够顺利与顾客沟通。 总之,南京市这家按摩中心招聘聋人按摩师的消息,为广大聋人朋友带来了福音。我们相信,在政府和社会各界的共同努力下,残疾人群体的就业问题将得到有效解决,他们将在各自的岗位上发挥自己的特长,为社会作出贡献。


走进南京火车站,一股浓厚的茶香扑鼻而来。这里不仅是一个交通枢纽,更是一个充满文化韵味的地方。在这里,我体验了NJM茶艺的韵味,感受到了中国茶文化的博大精深。 南京火车站的茶艺馆位于候车大厅的一角,环境优雅,静谧。一进门,便可以看到墙壁上挂着一幅茶艺主题的画作,画面上茶树葱郁,茶香四溢,让人仿佛置身于茶园之中。茶馆内摆放着各式各样的茶具,茶桌上的茶叶、茶壶、茶杯等一应俱全,让人感受到了浓厚的茶文化氛围。 茶艺师身着传统服饰,手持茶具,开始了一场精彩的茶艺表演。只见她优雅地拿起茶壶,倾倒而出,茶水如丝般流畅,瞬间在茶杯中泛起涟漪。茶艺师在泡茶过程中,动作轻盈,眼神专注,每一个细节都透露出对茶艺的热爱和尊重。 泡好茶后,茶艺师将茶杯轻轻递给我,并告诉我品茶的方法。她教我如何闻香、品味、观赏茶汤,让我领略到了茶的色、香、味、形之美。在这过程中,我感受到了茶艺师对茶的热爱,也体会到了茶艺的韵味。 茶香四溢,我细细品味这杯茶。茶汤清澈透明,入口甘甜,回味悠长。茶香中夹杂着淡淡的茶香,让人心旷神怡。此时此刻,我仿佛置身于一片茶园之中,感受着大自然的恩赐。 在品茶的过程中,我还了解到南京火车站的茶艺馆独具特色。这里的茶艺师都是经过专业培训的,他们不仅擅长泡茶,还精通茶文化。茶馆内设有茶艺课程,让更多的人了解和传承中国茶文化。 此外,南京火车站的茶艺馆还定期举办茶艺表演和茶文化讲座,让人们在忙碌的生活中找到一份宁静与惬意。在这里,你可以与三五好友相聚,共同品味茶的美妙;也可以独自一人,静享这份悠闲时光。 体验完南京火车站的茶艺,我深感中国茶文化的博大精深。茶,不仅仅是一种饮品,更是一种生活态度,一种精神寄托。它让我们在忙碌的生活中找到一份宁静,让我们在品味茶香的过程中,感悟人生的真谛。 南京火车站的茶艺馆,让我体验到了茶艺的韵味,也让我对中国茶文化有了更深的了解。我相信,在未来的日子里,我会将这份美好的体验传递给更多的人,让更多的人感受到茶的魅力。